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Before exercise.

Before I exercise I feel lazy and a bit lost.
I'll try and update you after and see the difference. Its time. #Depression #Anxiety #CPTSD

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Before exercise.

Before I exercise I feel lazy and a bit lost.
I'll try and update you after and see the difference. Its time. #Depression #Anxiety #CPTSD

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Final Staw

My mother finally called me on my birthday for the first time ever, two weeks ago. I’m in my forties. She had abused her prescription steroids and shared them with my sister. Both were using marijuana and possibly alcohol, too. My mother was talking nonsense and was so delusional and euphoric. My mother has NPD and Bipolar disorder. She told me I was influenced by demons and she and my sister (who was in the background, they were on speaker phone) were going to rid me of them and then do the same to my daughter because she had them, too. My sister agreed with this.

That was the last straw for me.
I finally told my mother to f*ck off and I never wanted to speak to her again. I felt very empowered. Then I blocked her phone. This is something I wish I had done decades ago. I’m never going to speak to her again and it feels great!

I have put up with this type of psychological abuse and so much more my entire life and I’m not taking anymore!


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Final Staw

My mother finally called me on my birthday for the first time ever, two weeks ago. I’m in my forties. She had abused her prescription steroids and shared them with my sister. Both were using marijuana and possibly alcohol, too. My mother was talking nonsense and was so delusional and euphoric. My mother has NPD and Bipolar disorder. She told me I was influenced by demons and she and my sister (who was in the background, they were on speaker phone) were going to rid me of them and then do the same to my daughter because she had them, too. My sister agreed with this.

That was the last straw for me.
I finally told my mother to f*ck off and I never wanted to speak to her again. I felt very empowered. Then I blocked her phone. This is something I wish I had done decades ago. I’m never going to speak to her again and it feels great!

I have put up with this type of psychological abuse and so much more my entire life and I’m not taking anymore!


35 reactions 8 comments

Gone for good Update on my mother relationship

My mother called me on my birthday for the first time ever, in April, I’m 46. She was higher than a kite on steroids and marijuana. She told me I was influenced by demons and that she was going to exorcise them and she was going to go after my daughter, too. She was on speaker phone and my 58 year old sister was in the back ground agreeing with her. She was on steroids, also. That was the final straw for me. I finally told her to “fuck off” and that I never wanted to speak to her again. She told me I had been judged. I’m like “so what’s new”? I felt very empowered and proud of myself. Then I blocked her. She has abused me this way my entire life and created some of my mental health issues. Yes, I am aware both she and my sister are mentally ill, too. That does not make me their psychological plaything. I am finally doing what I should have done years ago, saving myself and moving forward with the life I truly deserve.


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Gone for good Update on my mother relationship

My mother called me on my birthday for the first time ever, in April, I’m 46. She was higher than a kite on steroids and marijuana. She told me I was influenced by demons and that she was going to exorcise them and she was going to go after my daughter, too. She was on speaker phone and my 58 year old sister was in the back ground agreeing with her. She was on steroids, also. That was the final straw for me. I finally told her to “fuck off” and that I never wanted to speak to her again. She told me I had been judged. I’m like “so what’s new”? I felt very empowered and proud of myself. Then I blocked her. She has abused me this way my entire life and created some of my mental health issues. Yes, I am aware both she and my sister are mentally ill, too. That does not make me their psychological plaything. I am finally doing what I should have done years ago, saving myself and moving forward with the life I truly deserve.


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NOTE TO SELF:you are enough! you are worthy! you are loveable! you are kind! you are forgiving! you are amazing! you got this!!!

#Anxiety #Depression #CPTSD #SCZHO #ADHD #Grief #learning #loving #self #coping

29 reactions 8 comments
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NOTE TO SELF:you are enough! you are worthy! you are loveable! you are kind! you are forgiving! you are amazing! you got this!!!

#Anxiety #Depression #CPTSD #SCZHO #ADHD #Grief #learning #loving #self #coping

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